Automated Sample Measurement
The ProMetronics Solution runs by automated measuring recipes on highly developed, yet economic table top scanning electron microscopes. If you already use an SEM you may just purchase a license of the ProMetronics solution in order to utilize the imaging capability of your own instrument. If you still lack your own instrument, we will be ready to consult you on a purchase with discounted pricing conditions.
Suitable sample measurements will run on any SEM that can be programmed to perform tiled mappings. In addition you can use our dedicated sample holder kit and archive in order to keep your reference samples at a well ordered status.
Our Service
Contaminant Identification
The heart of the ProMetronics Solution is our automated contaminant particle identification. After running the measurement protocol on your SEM simply import the full dataset to the ProMetronics software. Particle identification is started automatically and will classify and interpret all anomalies found on each specimen.
EDX Analysis
Contaminant identification is based on energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). The ProMetronics Client contains a dedicated Ai that incorporates the results of thousands of EDX analysis and is able to identify contamination particles on its own. Identification recipes come preinstalled with your solution and are based on the data catalogue of the Medical Materials Research Institute (MMRI)
World Wide Reference Catalogue
Measurements of your instruments are compared to the reference catalogue raised by the Clean Implant Foundation every two years. The catalogue contains data of a representative market screening that covers at least one or two products from over 200 brands world wide. Specimens are purchased directly from the market in order to assure an idependent standard.
Anonymous Model subscription
Certificate Approval
Measurements acquired with your SEM are stored in a datalake which is fully integrated with the ProMetronics Software on your local machine. The ProMetronics Solution incorporates data analysis that uses machine learning to compare irregularities on the surface with the reference catalogue of the Clean Implant Foundation. The data models used in this analysis have been built and verified by the MMRI. Although they are stored on your local machine, they represent the precise method for identifying hazardous substances from the world wide catalogue of contaminants. By your subscription you will receive updated models every two years and always be up to date and aligned with the world wide reference.
Getting Certified
World Wide Reference Standard
After the analysis your measurement will be documented to pass the comparison with all contaminants known in the market. Through direct comparison your own data is therefore aligned to all relevant contaminants on dental implants abundant in the world.
Your measurement will be certified with the resulting clean certificate approval. You hold the certification label together with every measurement stored in your archive.
Reliable quality
Data Security
Because your data never leaves your local machine you have the full control on raw data, measurement cycles, quality reports and your archived history.
The ProMetronics Solution includes your database, holding raw data, analysis results and quality reports.
We are 24/7 available
The ProMetronics solution you are running is highly robust and safely integrated on a local computer next to your SEM.
In case of questions we will support you via phone, email and remote control sessions to fix any problem you may encounter.